Abstinence MEANS NOT HAVING SEX. DON’T BE FOOLED into thinking most teens are having sex. THEY AREN’T! Ask yourself, “Am I ready to have sex now?” “Am I ready to be a parent?”
Think About the Consequences!
- Am I willing to risk getting gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, HPV or HIV?
- Am I willing to risk getting pregnant?
- Can I handle being a single parent?
- Am I willing to give up my free time to care for a child?
- Can I support a child on my own?
- Can I handle the guilt and conflict I may feel?
- Will my decision hurt others, my parents, and my friends?
What Should I Know About Relationships?
- You don’t have to have sex to PROVE you like or love someone!
- Sex should NEVER be used to pay someone back!
- Mutual respect is what makes a relationship strong.
- Saying “NO” can be the best way to say, “I love you!”
Some Questions to Ask Yourself
- Am I sure no one is pushing me into having sex?
- If we break up, will I be glad I had sex with this person?
- Does my partner want sex now?
- Is my partner infected with an STD including HIV?
- Would my parents approve?
- Can I take care of a child both emotionally and financially?
If the answer is NO to any of the above questions, then you should WAIT!
Are You Ready for Sex?
- Abstinence, or the decision NOT to have sex, is the only right choice unless you are 100% willing to risk an unwanted pregnancy or an STD.
- Remember, you can still choose to be abstinent, even if you have been sexually active and realized it is not for you!